

Basic Vocabulary




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Lesson 4

Quality Control


Anyone who has spent any time in a Japanese manufacturing operation will attest to the fact that Japanese companies are nearly obsessive about quality control. This section introduces some language which is frequently encountered in discussions about quality control: 


改善(かいぜん) “Kaizen” translates to into English simply as “improvement”—but the Japanese word embodies a much broader set of concepts, including foreseeing change and orienting the company’s operations toward customer satisfaction.. The seminal book Kaizen 改善, by Imai Masaaki 今井正明(いまい まさあき)had the following to say: 


If one looks at companies that have succeeded, it becomes clear that these firms can anticipate change and respond to the challenge (of change) before it is too late. 


At the foundation of a kaizen strategy is the awareness that in order for the business to survive and be profitable, [the company] must exert the effort necessary to satisfy the customer and serve the customer’s needs.


  • 成功する(せいこう する)to succeed
  • 事前に(じぜん に) beforehand; before something happens
  • 予測する(よそく する) to predict; to forecast
  • 手遅れになる(ておくれ に なる)to be late; to be delayed
  • 存続する(そんぞく する)to continue to exist
  • 利上げを上げる(りえき を あげる) to be profitable; to turn a profit
  • 奉仕する(ほうし する)to serve; to attend to
  • 根底(こんてい) roots; foundation
  • 認識(にんしき) understanding; recognition; awareness





現地現物(げんち げんぶつ)A literal translation of現地現物 would be: "actual place, actual thing." A more colloquial translation is “Go and see.” The basic idea is that as a decision-maker, you can’t make a judgment about a situation before you have actually seen the conditions with your own eyes. 

Japanese managers are therefore encouraged to spend time on the factory floor, observing processes and interacting with workers. A manager should not remain sequestered in an office, relying on the reports of subordinates. Rather, he or she should make decisions based on firsthand information.




“Go and see” is the most important philosophy for someone who is responsible for quality control.



We manufacture products of the highest quality by pursuing the causes of problems through the “go and see” method, and reflecting countermeasures in processes.



The “go and see” philosophy is deeply rooted in the company’s culture.


  • 企業風土(きぎょう ふうど) corporate culture
  • 品質管理(ひんしつ かんり)quality control
  • 担当者 (たんとう しゃ)a person in charge of something
  • 対策   (たいさく) countermeasure
  • 工程   (こうてい)process
  • 最高品質 (さいこう ひんしつ)the highest quality
  • 根づいている(ねづいて いる)is rooted