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Blackbelt Japanese Home


Volume 1:

Putting a Safety Pin to Good Use 

This article describes a Florida youth’s recent escape from a kidnapper, using----of all things----a safety pin (along with his teeth and a tree branch). 


Source: http://www.cnn.co.jp/usa/CNN200702280020.html


Vocabulary Notes:


誘拐する (ゆうかい する) to kidnap

森 (もり) woods; forest

安全ピン  (あんぜん ピン) safety pin

歯 (は) teeth

使う (つかう) to use

木の枝 (き の えだ) tree branch

監禁する (かんきん する) to confine

少年 (しょうねん) youth; young person

家族 (かぞく) family

マナティー郡 (マナティーぐん) Manatee County

保安官 (ほあんかん)

記者会見 (きしゃ かいけん) press conference

義父 (ぎふ)  stepfather

臨む (のぞむ) to attend

に代わって (に かわって) in place of

経緯 (けいい) details; particulars

説明する (せつめい する) to explain 



February 27, 2007

If you can read this sentence....

.....then your Japanese is fairly advanced. Vocabulary notes below. 



Source: http://www.nikkei.co.jp/news/main/20070228AT2C2701U27022007.html 


民間の (みんかん の) private; private sector

生命保険会社 (せいめい ほけん がいしゃ) life insurance companies

扱う  (あつかう) to handle; deal with

個人年金保険  (こじん ねんきん ほけん)  individual pension insurance

契約規模  (けいやく きぼ) scope of the contracts

急拡大する (きゅう かくだい する) to get suddenly wider / larger



February 26, 2007

The idea of "additional" with 追加 

In the Japanese press, there were a number of headlines today like the following: 


The key word here is 追加(ついか). It is a useful word to know, because it can be used to express the idea of “additional.” In the above passage, 追加制裁(ついか せいさい)= “additional sanctions.” The passage is discussing the possibility of additional sanctions against Iran because of its nuclear program. 

Other examples include: 

追加支出 (ついか ししゅつ)  additional expenditures

追加注文 (ついか ちゅうもん)  additional order

追加配当 (ついか はいとう) supplementary dividend


February 25, 2007

Hey folks, I'm messing around with the format of Japanese123.com a bit.

I realized after much reflection that there is a lot of overlap between some the of the language lesson categories: Word Focus, Front Page Focus, etc. These sprung up kind of organically, as I was experimenting with different formats. But I perhaps I created a monster. Some readers have pointed out that there are too many categories, and I am inclined to agree.

So, I am going to roll them all into a single new beast, Blackbelt Japanese. This will be sort of a regular column; and I'll archive the back issues for those who can't check in everyday. I will also keep all the old content accessible, though I may be messing around with the layout of the homepage a bit over the next few weeks.

Japanese123.com is about 2 years old at this point. Thanks to all of you have become regular visitors!




なんぼく せんそう

"North-South War"


The next time you are talking about American history with your Japanese friends, you may enter into a discussion about the American Civil War. This conflict translates into Japanese as the “North-South War” 


Perhaps you recognize the kanji which means “south.” = “north”. And 戦争 = "war".


This term is used below in an example text:



Source: http://www.cnn.co.jp/usa/CNN200702250017.html 


Vocabulary Notes: 

上下両院    じょうげ りょういん upper and lower house

引き金   ひきがね   trigger

奴隷制度 どれい せいど   system of slavery

同州 どうしゅう  the same state

担った  になった  to bear; carry

役割  やくわり   role

謝罪する しゃざい する  to apologize

決議案  けつぎあん  proposed resolution

下院 かいん lower house

賛成  さんせい agreement

反対 はんたい opposition

上院 じょういん  upper house

全会一致で ぜんかい いっち で unanimously

可決する to pass; to approve